Homemade 'Oreos' With Fall-Color Creams
There are few commercially made cookies I care to eat, but an Oreo is one I don't turn down. My grandfather loves them, too, and he keeps a cookie jar filled with them at my parents' house. Cash will occasionally eat the cookie, but he's one of those lick-the-center-clean kids. And me? I like to fill a glass with milk then drop the whole Oreo in for a few seconds before retrieving it with a spoon. (Call me strange, but I just don't like to dip my fingers into my cup.) And of course notice that I said a few seconds - 8 to 10 max - because otherwise the Oreo completely disintegrates. I don't know how they're made or what makes them melt, but I think it's their most endearing quality. And finding that same quality in a homemade cookie isn't an easy feat.
I've made these cookies before, but my first go-round didn't include the cream. This time I wanted to make a fall-inspired cookie, but I couldn't get chocolate out of my head. I think this is a happy medium. The cream was simple to make, and I would recommend that you don't skimp when filling the sandwiches. I wish I had put more cream in some of them, but I didn't want to tear them apart after squishing the cream to the edges. I also plopped it in with a spoon and a finger swipe, which explains the "rustic" quality of the edges.
Yeah. Rustic. We'll go with that.
Get the recipe: Homemade Oreos by Smitten Kitchen.
* One person told me he would be more than happy to sit down with a plate of the cookies, sans cream. He was obviously completely sold on the whole "homemade Oreo" thing. These cookies are dunkable.
* An idea: If you don't want to make your own cream you can always buy a can of vanilla icing and color it to your heart's content.
* Getting the cookies to bake all the same size is the hardest part - unless you own a cookie scoop. I don't have one to make teaspoon-size cookies, but I have a larger one, and I wish I had both.
* I packaged my cookies by filling a T-shirt box with coordinating tissue paper. It was easy to transport, inexpensive, and it looked cute, too.
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