Grilled Turkey Burgers
I don't know about you, but for me summer begins on Memorial Day. That's the day when grills are pulled out all over this land, and Americans gather together to break bread and remember those men and women who made this country great. I spent Memorial Day with my grandfather (a former Navy man) and family on the Crystal Coast. And of course we came back to our house, covered in sand, to devour grilled hamburgers, sliced dill pickles and potato chips. Is there any better way to eat than sun-kissed and surrounded by littles who can't stop talking about the big water? (Which Cash was not a fan of, he'll thankyouverymuch. "I no like it, Mommy." Heard that one a lot this past week...)
Okay, I admit it. These are not the burgers we ate on Memorial Day. In fact I broke that cardinal summer rule and pulled out the grill before Memorial Day. I have a feeling some of you have already done the same, however. While we eat these burgers year-round, sauteed on the stovetop, I was ready for sizzling, hot, grilled meat. Steamy, sweet onions. And smoked, flavorful rosemary. Kara's recipe delivers every one of those requirements, and bonus, they're good for you! While at home we may be catching fireflies instead of waves, and running through sprinklers instead of sand, we're still making memories. So yes. It's official. Break out that grill and get to cooking! There are many summer nights ahead, and these turkey burgers are a great way to ring them in.
I had the great opportunity to meet Kara in person awhile back, and now I'm excited to call her a real friend after all these years talking through our blogs! Be sure to visit What's Kookin' for this great Turkey Burger recipe, and be sure to look around at her blog. Kara takes fabulous photos and always shares some of the greatest recipes.