Chocolate Revel Bars
If you've ever been on a diet you know what trigger foods are. They're the foods that you simply cannot have in the house because you'll eat them. All of them. At one time. In one sitting. Like, the whole bag. You get my drift? For me those foods are potato chips, homemade bread and chocolate - chocolate in any form. In other words baking Barbara's Chocolate Revel Bars was a bad move on my part. And that's because no matter how well I hide my trigger foods from myself I still manage to find them every darn time.
I mean just look at that luscious chocolate layer! (It's okay. Nobody can see you drooling on your keyboard, and I understand if you just had to lick your computer screen. It's totally understandable.)
Like me, Barbara loves "collection cook books," as she calls them. I've mentioned before that I have all of my grandmother's church cookbooks, and that I love flipping through them, finding her notes and dog-eared recipes. I've also highlighted one or two of those recipes here, and many of you have agreed that they're just as fabulous as I promised. The recipe for these Chocolate Revel Bars comes from a cookbook published by St. Anthony Catholic Church in Mooretown, North Dakota. I always thought that Southern grandmas had a leg up when it comes to recipe collections, but it appears that North Dakotan grandmas have that sparkle up their sleeves, too.
And if you don't believe me you can take it from a certain little chocolate connoisseur in training...
Chocolate Revel Bars by Barbara at Bless Us O Lord. (Barbara knows her stuff. Remember this Chocolate Chip Cookie Brittle? Mahvelous stuff, it is.) And look - it's a photo of the actual cookbook for sale! (Scroll down a bit.) Margaret in Minnesota's sister was the editor of this gem. (Tell her thanks from all of us, Margaret!)