Oven-Roasted Potato Wedges with Bacon Grease
That's right. I said bacon grease. But how can I own up to my Southern credentials if I don't use a bit of the stuff now and then? It's divine; it tastes great; and it's easy to use in moderation because a little goes a long way. For instance: Take these thinly sliced, peppery, crunchy-around-the-edges potatoes. In one word? Awesome. (I have two friends who say I use this word a lot. Too often, probably, but in this case it's only fitting.)
Ever since I found this recipe and tried it for the first time it's been revisited at least weekly. We've had these potatoes with fish, meatloaf, egg-salad sandwiches, breakfast (of course), and I made them for Mother's Day - just for my dad. He stopped by our house one day when there were a few of these left on the stove and he's been hooked ever since. I spied a pile of them on his plate at Mother's Day lunch. And I overheard my brother-in-law say that they were really good. And my mom and my sister remarked on their yumminess at their table, too.
I'm telling you. Good stuff. So go. Try them. NOW.
Oven-Roasted Potato Wedges with Bacon Grease, via Serious Eats
My notes: I use sliced red potatoes because I think the more surface crunch the better; I used a whole 5 pound bag of potatoes for Mother's Day and 3 tablespoons of bacon grease (which I keep a container of in my fridge;) and I've never put chives on them, but I think if you make the wedge version it would be a great idea. We prefer ketchup!