Pumpkin Whoopie Pies
Confession: Until now I've never had a whoopie pie. You see, Down South we have Moonpies and RC Colas. (I have one co-worker who about once a year brings a huge box of Moonpies and a case of RC Colas to share - it's his annual summertime treat for us!) Before I had a whoopie pie I figured they were similar to Moonpies. Huh-uh. Totally different in a completely delicious way.
I've seen whoopie pies all over food blogs, and I wanted to try my hand at them. I could tell they were easy, and I knew a big, fat, cakey cookie filled with cream would be a huge hit no matter who I gave them to. I was right. (Brad gave them two big thumbs up!) Apparently they're also called gobs, black and whites and bobs in the New England area, and they appear to be a traditional treat in Pennsylvania Dutch country.
Halloween had come and gone, and unfortunately we didn't have any chocolate in the house. I know! Sounds crazy, but it's true. Cash isn't old enough to trick-or-treat, and we don't live in a neighborhood where we get trick-or-treaters so I really had no good excuse to buy a bag of mini candy bars (my fave is Mr. Goodbar!) These cookies, however, made up for the large chocolate deficit in our household. And to make them more in line with the season I filled them with pumpkin-cream cheese filling.
These cookies are super-easy, super-cute and super-impressive to your friends and family! They are also SUPER-HUGE so one per person is a great gift. And yes, the fall sprinkles are a nice touch, but these cookies are any-time-of-the-year treats. Just think of the possibilities! Red and green filling, colored glitter sprinkles, mini chocolate chips ....
I used two recipes for my whoopie pies. The cookies are Epicurious' version (recipe here), and the filling is Martha's version (recipe here.) Let me know if you make these and how they turn out, or share with all of us your favorite recipe! (Especially you Northeasterners - any of you out there with stories to tell?!)