Pink Lemonade Cupcakes for the Cure
It's sadly amazing to me that there is no cure. Millions of women, our mothers, sisters and friends, are suffering through this disease, and although there is hope - there is always hope - there is no cure. But that doesn't have to be the case. A cure is out there, and we can help find it. Breast cancer doesn't have to put an end to so much happiness. The fear of breast cancer doesn't have to lurk in all our minds forever. There are so many, many ways to help.
They have chosen pink. Pink is feminine. Pink makes us feel pretty. Pink is now powerful. Pink is so often symbolic of women, and now pink means hope. Have you or has someone you know been touched by this disease? Have you lost a loved one, or have you been drawn closer as a family because of a battle with cancer? I know few people who can answer no to those questions, and it brings tears to my eyes.
My friend Shannon is going to take part in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in a few short weeks. You can help by pushing her toward her goal of $1,800, or you can make a general donation here. What? You want to do more? You want more options? How about having a Party for the Cure? The money you raise will go to Susan G. Komen For the Cure. Oh. You don't have time to throw an entire par-tay. I understand. How about a cocktail hour, then dinner out? Oy. You don't want to get dressed up. OK. How about a girl's night in - complete with Dirty Dancing, Pretty Woman, and some pink-lemonade cupcakes?
I dedicate these cupcakes to my mother-in-law, who has her own battle with this disease. I dedicate it to my great aunts who have fought against breast cancer and won. I dedicate it to my next-door neighbor who is living with what life has handed her in true gentle, beautiful, Southern form. And I dedicate it to a dear friend who told me just yesterday how much my Race for the Cure t-shirt means to her, as she just found out she has breast cancer, too. And I dedicate it to all of you and your friends and family. We will find a way out. We will find a cure.
The recipe for these pink-lemonade cupcakes is courtesy of Daisycakes, who used it courtesy of Julie Hasson. Go ahead. Whip up a batch of pink power today. Share them with a friend who may need a pick-me-up. And be sure to pass a hug along with them.