Meringue (Overnight) Cookies
Last week was hectic. But it's over, and as much as I hate to wish my life away, I'm glad it's over! I just need a week, or two, or three, or four to catch up on life - actually clean my house and put away all the piles of laundry laying around and do lots and lots of baking. Baking? What's that? Oh, dear oven, it has been too, too long. And those cookies up there? Those sweet puffs filled with chocolate and pecans? I made those about a week ago, and I've been promising a few of you that I'd get the recipe posted. I'm now being true to my word. Finally.
These are usually called meringues, because that's what they're made of. Meringue! These are fun to make and they're easy, too. In fact, I wanted something sweet for that sweet man in my life so I whipped these together after work one night (read: 1 a.m.) and they were ready the next morning! Seriously. They "cook" overnight. And few recipes compare to their "kid friendliness."
See for yourself ...
Meringue (Overnight) Cookies
Adapted from Allrecipes
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2 egg whites
3/4 cup sugar
1 cup chopped pecans
1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Prepare two cookie sheets with foil or parchment paper.
2. Beat egg whites until soft peaks form. Gradually add sugar and beat until stiff peaks form. Gently fold in pecans and chips.
3. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto sheets. Put cookies in the oven then turn the oven off, keeping the door shut. Do not open the door until the next morning.