Birthday Brownie Pops (And Candy Favors)
Cash's first birthday party was a great success. It was hot and humid, yes. And we almost died carrying the food and such to the picnic shelter from the car. But it could not have gone smoother. I am so lucky to have a big, helpful family who didn't mind getting a little sweaty before the festivities began. And of course the rain shower halfway through the party helped cool us off. Thank God for small miracles.
And thank God for chocolate. In the form of brownies. In the form of brownie pops! (And a little white chocolate, too.) I was inspired by amazing bloggers who do things like this and this. And by recipes like this. And of course there are shops like this that make it all happen!
I could hardly call myself a Food Blogger if I didn't make something homemade to give away to all the guests. These brownies pops were a hit! I had several people ask me, "Did you make these?" I was so proud to say yes (and secretly so excited that they were pretty easy to make, too.) At the end of the night there were none left, or so I thought. My sister opened her handbag to show me an awesome sight. "Matt wanted to make sure he had some to take home!" she told me. Matt is my brother-in-law. I guess he liked them!
These were such fun favors to make, and I loved finally being The Mom who got to decorate and hand out treats at her son's birthday party. If you're looking for something fun, easy and adorable to give out to the adults at your next party try brownie pops! They're as fun to make as they are to eat. Oh, and that candy above? Easy, peasy, too. It's simply melted white chocolate that I colored with gel food coloring. I put sprinkles on the candy after I dropped it in the molds. I made similar candies for my wedding, and they were a big hit then, too.
Everything was guest- and mom-approved. I'm excited to get to do this all over again in a year. But I'm going to enjoy the months in-between, too. Happy Birthday, Sweet Boy!
Two years ago: Chocolate Cookie Bites, Inside-Out Eggrolls, Maw Maw's Hershey Chocolate Cake